Working Group 78 Application

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Working Group 78 Application

  • The Chair is responsible for scheduling and running meetings, keeping accurate documentation of proposed revisions, working with the WG to respond to public comments, and adhering to deadlines.
  • User: Those who use the product or service involved, or those who receive substantial support from a user directly concerned, but are not involved with its production or distribution. This reference is not to users of the standard, but to users of the product or service covered by the standard. Producer: Those directly concerned with the production or distribution of the product or service involved, including industry associations representing producers or distributors, or those receiving substantial support from a producer directly concerned. General Interest: Those who have interests other than those described above and may include employees of appropriate government agencies, nationally recognized testing laboratories or educational institutions, and codes-oriented individuals.
  • If you agree to the following, check yes. This will be considered your signed statement of attestment. 1. If appointed as a member of an ASPE Design Standards Committee, I hereby grant the American Society of Plumbing Engineers (ASPE) the non-exclusive, royalty-free rights, including nonexclusive, royalty rights in copyright, to any contributions I make to documents or material I prepared for ASPE and the committee and I understand that I acquire no rights in publication of such documents in which my contribution or other similar analogous form is used. I hereby attest that I have the authority and I am empowered to grant this copyright release. 2. If appointed as a member of an ASPE Design Standard Committee, or as a consultant to a committee, I understand that certain expenses I may incur shall be my responsibility, except with the written prior approval of the Committee Chairperson and an established budget has been set for such expenses by the ASPE Board of Directors. 3. I hereby attest that all information provided in this Application and Biographical Record for an ASPE Design Standard Committee are true and accurate representations of my interests, affiliations and background. 4. I understand that appointment to an ASPE Design Standard Committee is based on availability of positions on Design Standard Committees that are within my stated areas of interest and/or openings on a Design Standard Committee. 5. I hereby agree and warrant that if chosen to serve as a member of an ASPE Design Standard Committee I shall abide by the rules and regulations governing the committee and shall adhere to the ASPE Design Standards Procedures. 6. I hereby agree to participate as an active and full member on the ASPE Design Standard Committee to which I am appointed and am unaware of any reason for which I would not be qualified to serve as a member of a ASPE Design Standard Committee.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
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