What Is the Best Way to Become Your Company’s Revit Guru?

Thomas Rosaschi, CPDT, is a Plumbing Designer with David Sims & Associates in Wilmington, North Carolina. His firm is slowly transitioning from doing jobs in AutoCad to Revit, and Tommy has been tasked with learning the software to become the “Revit guru” on staff. Since Tommy has limited experience with Revit, he turned to our experts on ASPE Connect to ask advice on the following:

  • What helped you become more competent designers?
  • What specific resources would you recommend that benefited you?
  • Any tips you may have to make this transition smoother? 

As usual, the ASPE Connect community was quick to provide their words of wisdom (and some consolation).

Where to Go to Get Started

Transitioning from AutoCAD to Revit is a very steep learning curve, but to hit the ground running, several ASPE members suggested taking a beginner training class with a local Revit reseller. Also, numerous resources are available online, including:

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help

It is helpful to pick up the phone and talk to an experienced Revit user to guide you through the learning process. The ASPE Connect Open Forum is also an excellent place to find expert guidance. There’s often many ways to do the same thing in Revit but sometimes there’s also only one way to do something, so asking for help will assist in getting the right answer fast. There are no dumb questions! Over time you will find that need to reach out less and less as you get more comfortable with Revit.

The School of Hard Knocks Will Be Your Best Teacher

In the end, the only way you’ll get more proficient is trial and error. Just be patient and plan on burning a lot of time starting out.

Visit the Revit discussion on ASPE Connect to hear more advice from our experts or to add your two cents.

Can You Help?

The following recent discussion posts need input. Click on one of the following if you can offer some expert advice.

  1. Is horizontal sanitary waste vent termination allowed per Illinois Plumbing Code?
  2. What do you do for abandoned below slab sanitary piping (or any utility pipe) on projects?

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